"Life Traces" / Victims’ Biographies
Behind the anonymous numbers of victims are the hidden individual fates and life stories of people who were murdered in Hartheim. The exhibition station “Life traces” is intended to help give back some of the individuality, life history – and a face – to the people murdered in Hartheim Castle.
Almost all the documents and images shown here come from the private holdings of relatives and descendants of the victims. The material was collected and prepared in the Documentation Centre Hartheim, and the life stories were then set down in writing. In some cases, very precise biographical records and a wealth of personal documents survive; in others, only a few personal papers are left to remember the person by.
The Place for Learning and Remembrance has set itself the goal of continuously expanding its holdings of personal estates, in order to give a face and a story back to as many as possible of the approximately 30,000 people murdered in Hartheim.
Some of these life stories can be read on the website http://lebensspuren.schloss-hartheim.at.